Wordlegs Magazine, my story and a college in California!

I wrote a story called “In the event of a sudden loss in cabin pressure” for the Post-Celtic Edition of Wordlegs magazine back in 2013. Elizabeth Reapy was the Editor and I was so chuffed to be featured in that edition. I got to read my story at the 10 days in Dublin Festival and it felt good.

image3Last year, when I was busy growing a baby inside me, a man called Pete Clark contacted me. He told me that he had discovered my story “In the Event of a Sudden Loss in Cabin Pressure” during Summer 2013 from Wordlegs Press and that he was currently using it in a short unit on Irish literature for his Grade 10 class. How did he discover Wordlegs magazine? He told me it was through a man named Victor Luftig. He has worked at Brandeis University, University of Virginia, and other places. Here’s his bio. Pete told me he had been a big inspiration regarding teaching and academics and bringing it to high school students.

Pete asked me if I would speak with his classes via skype one evening so we set up a meeting there and then! I had an energetic discussion and Q and A with the two classes who are looking at my story and I thoroughly enjoyed it. They had taken such time and care to put together questions and thoughts about it, the Irish and literature, the Celtic Tiger and recession and how these had impacted on writing here. We talked about the themes of expatriation and repatriation that are parts of many cultures, but have certain and unique questions when applied to our Irish experience and how that impacts on literature and the arts.

It felt great, thanks to Victor, Pete Clark and the students.

My story “In the event of a sudden loss in cabin pressure” ( and some other ones) in the WordLegs Magazine can be downloaded and read here.posttigerstories



Open University’s Writing Course-free!

I am studying an OU course on “Beginning writing fiction” at the moment, most of it is targeted at beginners. It focuses on how to get ideas, how to write and where etc. But, over the 8 week period, it has moved onto interesting and new content for me. For example, this week in Week 2, it discusses how to give feedback and how to accept it. I find this is a skill that I struggle with sometimes. It can be hard not to take things personally but this article teaches you how to take your ego out of your piece.


I have attached it below. The course can be located at www.futurelearn.com

commenting and receiving feedback

Reading during motherhood

I have been absent for a while. No apologies given. We had our first baby, a boy, 3 weeks ago and the only reading I have been doing since then is Annabel Karmen’s Essential Guide to the First year of a baby and the text replies from my fellow Mum friends!


I read an excellent book by Anne Enright before baby boy arrived. It is called “Making Babies” and is written in typical Anne enright fashion, quirky and country cool. Other books I have been reading are what we might call “light” for example Tana French’s new crime novel “The Secret Place” I love Tana French and always devour her latest books, though not considered literary, I am sure by some harsh critics, her books are written in an intelligent language. She captures Ireland perfectly and scares the hell out of me with what goes on in the pages!

I’ll be back very soon, but am enjoying my little one too much. rozz.ie has been short listed for Best Mobile Compatible Blog at the upcoming Blog Awards Ireland and it is an event I hope to attend, with my little tucked away with a caring family member in the hotel! If I can drag myself away from him!

Keep in touch!


Sixteen Literary Magazine looking for writing!

Sixteen Literary Magazine is a free online magazine that aims to use the 1916 centenary to help emerging and professional writers craft new work based on the 1916 Easter Rising. We are deeply interested in how Ireland has changed in the last 100 years since and want to explore how the events of that week in 1916 have shaped us as a nation today or if they did at all.


Neither of the editors of Sixteen are historians. We are interested in good writing and we’re not adverse to a bit of visual art.

On the 16th of every month leading up to the 16 months before April 2016, we will publish an issue of our magazine online with the best pieces of work we receive. Each month, we will give a prompt relating to the Easter Rising. It might be an event, a character, a building or a piece of art. We will offer some ideas to whet your creative juices and then it’s up to you.

All submissions should follow our guidelines and we only accept work through our web form. Editors have the final decision on the final piece. Your piece of writing may need editorial help and support and we reserve all rights to make these changes to ensure the standard is good for our magazine.

Please, go to www.sixteen.ie to view the magazine, submission guidelines and possible prompts and themes. You may be inspired by the themes or not! Your response can be loose or tight!






Writing thoughts that may or may not help you! But, I hope they do!

10 thoughts that may help you write!

Let’s take a break from all things Joyce!

writing-2I recently attended a workshop with Yvonne Cullen, who is a very cool and ultra creative facilitator of learning and writing! As a task, she asked us to think about the things that help us write. Here are mine, if they are any good to you. I’ll have a few more for you coming up!

  1. Write about what you are into, your fascinations and your passions. Don’t write about things that seem quirky or topics, characters or settings that you feel are interesting. What fascinates you about human beings? I used to write to a certain style or a certain literary magazine but it doesn’t work. You know that if you become successful on writing in an unnatural way, you will feel crap about it. Better to fail but be true. Even better to succeed and be true! Bargain!
  2. Voice is hard-but, always write in your natural voice. Don’t feel the need to add extra descriptions or adjectives or ideas that are not reflective of you. At the end of the day, you need to be unique and stand out. Don’t copy anyone else or pretend. Be true to you. Sounds very sentimental but we have a million experimental, James Joyce-esque writers. You need to write like you.
  3. Write down every idea you have, be it a newspaper article, something someone has said. If it fascinates you, then you could have a story or poem. Interesting is much better than important in terms of human themes or preoccupations. You can come back to this idea. I always have a list of things to write about. It is just a case of getting the time!
  4. I learned that the best way to deal with other writers critiquing my work is to graciously accept their advice and words from the onset. Unless, they are saying something crazy! But, even then I take on board all the opinions from my writers’ group and write them down, go away and process. Often, in the heat of the moment, other people’s well-meaning advice can be taken the wrong way. I often see things differently in the quietness of my home.
  5. Surround yourself with friends and supporters who read and write and love the world you are in. You will be inspired and motivated by their successes and passions(that word again)
  6. Keep going and when you do become successful, stay modest. My Mum always told me that there was always someone else in the world who is better than you, no matter how great you do or how great you think you are. I think this is grounding. A lack of modesty and openness can lead to your writing becoming stale.
  7. Don’t show off. If you are writing a story, try to tell the story, first and foremost. If you are writing a poem, the same thing is to get your message out, good and clear.
  8. What works for me is talking and discussions. Sometimes, I know what the problem behind my writing is. I might have the problem in the back of my mind . Sharing my story with my husband or the writers’ group and listening to them bring up the difficult questions that my brain knows too well is hard but useful. It is a process. Again, take the difficult or challenging questions and comments away and ask yourself if this is correct for your story.
  9. Music-music is my biggest helper when writing. I log onto spotify where I have various folders based on the mood of the character or story or setting I am trying to set. For example, I listened to a cool, funky R and B song by Katey Perry when writing a teenager voice recently. I use Nick Cave, Johnny Cash, U2, Aimee Mann and Moby nearly all of the time as their vibes suit my style and really inspire me. Covers of songs are great too.
  10. A good strong coffee and music in my earphones work all the time when writing. Plug your earphones in, sip the coffee and just write! Then go back and start all over again!

After the race by Andrew Fox, a short story from Dubliners 100

After the race by Andrew Fox, a short story from Dubliners 100

After really enjoying Donal Ryan’s take on Eveline, I didn’t think the next story could top it. But, Andrew Fox’s take on After the race is brilliant and clever.marathon



Andrew Fox is a short story writer I had never heard of, apologies to him if he is quite the well-known short story writer! According to his bio, he lives in New York City(Lucky duck) and writes drama for radio and is also releasing a new anthology of short stories from Penguin Ireland is forthcoming. Always exciting to hear new, Irish short story writers.

He brings a unique style and edge to the story. Joyce’s story is a bit poncey and reaks of Joyce’s time, something I found it hard to relate to or even care too much about. Andrew Fox changes the setting and moves it from Dublin to New York City. The car race becomes a marathon race and the rich gentlemen become rich, rich bankers.

The main character though remains Irish and this is where the story comes to life. Irish themes of isolation, debt, worries about money and the recession are brought to life in a new setting. It doesn’t matter that this story is set in New York.

The last scene in which James, the Irish character, takes the rich bankers on in a video game, a shooter game. All these touches bring the story up to date and actually increase the point of the original story. The last paragraph is wonderfully written, almost bettering Joyce’s “Daybreak” dialogue. /

Andrew Fox speaks to the reader in a fast-paced, movie like language and I thoroughly enjoyed this. My favourite so far.

After the Race is one of the fifteen short stories in the new Dubliners 100, published by Tramp Press. Drop back in next time to my blog where I will be looking at Joyce’s Two Gallants short story.

The Wedding Day:A short story by Billy O’ Callaghan

The Wedding Day:A short story by Billy O’ Callaghan


I am aware that this collection was published in 2008 but some of the stories could have been written way before this time. This story, The wedding party has an old-Ireland feel to it. A girl and boy get married under protest. She is pregnant so the priest and parents are involved.

I loved the characters in this. Subtle and true. In fact, I enjoyed the story, all of which was set in the pub with some flashbacks. The ending was overbaked for me, too well packaged for the reader. The last paragraph could easily have been left out and have hit its impact. Great idea for a story. The characters have played on my mind since I read it.

This story comes from the “In Exile” short story collection by Billy O’ Callaghan.


My 4 pet hates when I read a short story

First of all, I need to pre-empt this with the fact that I know I am not a published author or an expert on the short story. All I am is a lover and avid reader of the short story. I am obsessive. And I love reading the books suggested by this virtual veterinarian app to my pet.


I want to write this post as a reader and not as a person who is trying to write, if you understand. These are the 4 things at the minute that I notice at classes where I am a student or in short stories published in the last while that have started to frustrate me.


The use of exclamation marks. I despise them. I don’t use them and don’t expect to see them. The narrative should be able to convey warning, excitement or shouting without using this very annoying mark.


The word “grin”. I hate this word. It reminds me of the Famous Five stories. Have you every heard anyone using the word “grin” in conversation? Answer is no. Smile is better or try using your expertise as a writer to show the person is “grinning” through dialogue or exposition. Today, I read a story that used it twice in a paragraph. Yuck.


The twist that attempts to trick the reader. The writer gives a glaringly obvious hint to something that I always figure out straight away and then groan and then get to the end and tell my husband that I told him so. Boring. As a reader, I am not in the business of being tricked as if the writer is much cleverer. Ireland’s Own love these type of stories. I don’t so maybe, it is a taste thing. I am being kind. Revelations that are built up slowly though imagery and characters are much better. A quiet yet powerful ending does it for me.


Irish myths. The second I see Grainne Mhaol, Fionn, Ferdia, Cuchulainn etc enter the story, I am switched off. It is lazy and not cool and I’m not interested in an Ireland of this type. Again, this could be a taste thing and I have only read of one author who pulls off this type of thing-Eilis Ni Dhuibhne. Go, ask her how she does it.

My ranting is over. i hope I don’t have to add to this list in the near future. Feel free to ignore me or comment. I love a good debate!!!!!!(I used a couple of exclamation marks to show you how joyful I am.

Dubliners 100 out on 7th June

I am ultra excited, man.

I love Dubliners. We all do. Studied in uni and loved ever since. Tramp Press and Commissioning Editor, Thomas Morris(he is Stinging Fly’s new fiction editor) are publishing a reinterpretation of James Joyce’s short story collection on the 5th June at the bargain price of €15.



They have also got some pretty funky and cool writers on board. So far, on that list are Donal Ryan, John Boyne, Eimear Mc Bride and Paul Murray. To make things even more brilliant, these writers will be in conversation with Thomas Morris down at my(I am claiming this festival as I practically live next door to Borris House. Almost) Festival of Writing and Ideas in Borris House on Sunday, 15th June. The Festival runs on 14th and the 15th of June and so far, the lineup is kicking the other two “biggest and bestest” literary festivals in Ireland.

I am saying no more other than buy the book and go to Borris.

Eveline, Donal Ryan’s clever reversal of Joyce’s original tale, will be published in The Irish Times on Saturday, June 7th.

Dubliners 100 will be published by Tramp Press on June 5th, priced €15.

All that jazz-a short story by Billy O’ Callaghan

All that jazz-a short story by Billy O’ Callaghan

This is a piece of flash fiction. It spans barely 5 pages and focuses in one moment of a young, Polish woman in a bar with a couple of stereotypical fat Irish men leering over her. The Polish lady is contrasted with the other stereotypical scantily-clad young women as the Polish lady is dressed in a jumper and jeans, strangely enough seeing as she is in a bar.


I think there is meant to be a twist at the end in that we find out she is a single mother but I am not sure of the point of this fact and in fact I am not sure of the whole point of this scene or woman.

I welcome the character of a Polish lady in Ireland and it is interesting to get into her head and thinking about Ireland but we are not left with any new observations about Ireland or Poland. As a piece of flash, it works well enough.