Even though I love reading and real books, I also love my kindle, ipad and samsung note! I’ve been blogging for a few years now and have built up some connections with other lit bloggers, readers and writers. If you want to know who you must follow on twitter, befriend on facebook or subscribe to their blog, then you might want to read my list!
What makes a good lit blogger?
These 5 bloggers from Two Hour Blogger will give you a great introduction to the world of literature, reading and writing in Ireland and sometimes, abroad. Connect with them and you will connect with others. A good blog needs to be able to form a dialogue with their readers and update frequently and relevantly on its content. I’m only including my favourites under those criteria. No wafflers and no 3 updates a year for me, I’m afraid!
1.Nuala Ni Chonchuir has the original and the most well-known Irish literary blog. She has a dedicated following and her posts are always well and cleanly written with useful information about anything that is happening in the literary or her world.
She also has an author blog/website here. I love finding out about other writers and Nuala shares personal information but never in a “TMI” kind of way. She could tell you about her many travels abroad, she always seems to be going somewhere exotic! She could tell you about an author that she loves that you have never heard of. But, she is always current and helpful. You must subscribe to her blog at womenrulewriter.com
Image to the left is from www.nualanichonchuir.com
2. My next brilliant blog to follow is of the very, very, very busy Paul Mc Veigh. He blogs about everything connected with the short story, interviews, journals and competitions. He has a constant stream of competitions for any aspiring writer to enter so don’t say that there are not enough chances out there! I really don’t know how this man sleeps if he does. He is at every event and is now getting his own writing published! Sometimes, he could update ten times in a minute! Well, that is what it seems like to me!
He also is Deputy Editor of Word Factory and has written for theatre. He is going to be reading at the upcoming 13th International Short Story Conference in Austria. I think he needs to take a couple of days rest but thanks, Paul! He is a male version of Miriam O Callaghan! You can find him at his blog here and on twitter at @paul_mc_veigh. Image to the left is taken from shortstoryconference.org
3. The wonderful world of Dave Lordan, writer, poet and rouser can be found on his blog here. Dave is a poet and a writer but I think he gets his most enjoyment from teaching and helping other people find their voice and begin to write. He too is a busy man like Paul Mc Veigh. Dave runs loads of writing courses and he is infectious as a facilitator of learning. His blog is updated frequently and with relevant and quirky information and photos.
4. Everyone knows writing.ie but their twitter feed is most excellent too. Information is shared out for all, the blog was shortlisted for “Best Arts and Culture” blog. It also has some nice guest posts and blogs. It is the first place you should go if you like the idea of writing!
5. The Irish Lit Time basically gives you all the latest news on Irish literature and up-to-date coverage of Irish literary news and events in a magazine format via articles available online. Image taken from www.gerardbeirne.com. You can also follow IrishLitTimes on twitter and facebook or http://www.scoop.it/t/irish-literature.